

收藏 2022-06-30
  • 上海市
  • 全氟聚醚真空泵油回收;全氟真空泵油回收;全氟聚醚真空泵油再生PFPE;
  • 详细信息
  • 全氟聚醚油PFPE回收处理和再生AAA.jpg




      全氟聚醚真空泵油在装机使用后,运行至维修更换时,受到物理或化学污染,泵油中含有多种杂质,如固体颗粒、灰尘、金属屑、水、空气、化学酸碱物质和微生物等。 回收和妥善处理全氟聚醚真空泵废油,可以减少因为错误处置,造成危险废弃物对环境的污染和破坏,实现更好的土壤空气水环境保护。  



     Brief introduction of recovery, treatment and regeneration of perfluoropolyether vacuum pump oil

      GORUBER produces perfluoropolyether vacuum pump oil, and at the same time, adhering to the concept of environmental protection first, recycling and proper disposal of perfluoropolyether vacuum pump waste oil and perfluoropolyether lubricating oil waste oil and related products.

    Why should the waste oil of the perfluoropolyether vacuum pump be recovered and properly disposed of?

      Perfluoropolyether vacuum pump oil after installed use, operation to repair and replacement, by physical or chemical pollution, pump oil contains a variety of impurities, such as solid particles, dust, metal scraps, water, air, chemical acid and alkali substances and microorganisms. The recovery and proper treatment of the waste oil of the perfluoropolyether vacuum pump can reduce the pollution and destruction of the environment caused by dangerous wastes caused by wrong disposal, and achieve better protection of the soil, air and water environment.

      At present, the main treatment methods of waste oil are dumping, landfill, incineration and regeneration. It's the easiest way to dispose of waste oil. However, because waste oil contains high levels of harmful substances such as carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, it can kill plants and wipe out soil microbes if discharged directly. Incineration method will directly burn waste oil, will produce a large number of toxic and harmful gases. Regeneration method is the most suitable method for waste oil treatment by refining to remove the bad components in waste oil.

       GORUBER produces perfluoropolyether vacuum pump oil, and also has the excellent technology of recycling perfluoropolyether vacuum pump waste oil, to provide customers with the solution of energy conservation, emission reduction and cost reduction.


  • 联系人:刘健博
  • 所在地:上海市
  • 地址:上海市杨浦区武川路75弄文化花园22号1001室
  • 身份认证:
  • 电话咨询 159****5929